5 Reasons Star Trek Discovery Could Be The Best Series Of All

Despite negativity from some sections of the fandom, Star Trek Discovery has all the signs of a science fiction classic. Here are 5 reasons I think Star Trek Discovery will rock:

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  1. Star Trek is bigger than Bryan Fuller

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I was, admittedly, a little disappointed when Bryan Fuller left the DSC team. He was, by all accounts, the creative driver of the show and the one who would push it from production to delivery. He was the only voice in the media explaining just how different Star Trek Discovery would be and how he wanted it to get back to the roots of what Star Trek is all about; a brighter future where we can all work together.

And then Bryan Fuller left. At first he cited scheduling conflicts with his other projects, namely American Gods, but then revelations started to emerge that included clashes with the CBS team with regards to delivery dates and production costs. Bryan Fuller may be gone, but the show still has Alex Kurtzman, Gretchen Berg and Aaron Harberts at the helm and these guys know what they are doing. Star Trek is bigger than Bryan Fuller and will steam ahead, with thanks to his creative input in the initial stages.

“Ultimately, with my responsibilities elsewhere, I could not do what CBS needed to have done in the time they needed it done for Star Trek. It felt like it was best for me to focus on landing the plane with American Gods and making sure that was delivered in as elegant and sophisticated a fashion as I could possibly do. I’m not involved in production, or postproduction, so I can only give them the material I’ve given them and hope that it is helpful for them. I’m curious to see what they do with it.”

  1. Epic diversity within the cast

The cast looks really good. We have known actors like Jason Isaacs (Harry Potter), Michelle Yeoh (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon) and Sonequa Martin-Green (Walking Dead), mixed with unknown actors who promise much.

The team:

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To get back to what made Star Trek so loved, we have to accept that diversity was a huge part of The Original Series. Kirk may have been a brash, all-American hero, but his team was as diverse as any seen on television. It taught us that in the future, we will look back our mistakes and intolerances with embarrassment. The future will be a place where all races, species and sexes will be truly equal and can achieve greatness together.

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Cast announcements have been coming thick and fast, and we can start to get a picture of what the crew might look like, although some are likely to be wearing a few prosthetic ears or Andorian antennae.

  1. The USS Discovery has a British captain

Brits always make good captains. Whilst Jean-Luc Picard might have been born in France, the actor behind (arguably) the best Star Trek captain, Patrick Stewart, was born in Yorkshire, England. Captain Picard was cool, calm and calculated, but wasn’t afraid of physicality when it was ultimately necessary. He inspired his crew to achieve more and led them with distinction.

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Even though the Discovery is set to be shot from the perspective of the first officer, and Captain Lorca will not be the main character as other captains have been, it’s always nice to have a calm and confident Brit in charge of proceedings. At least that’s what I imagine Jason Isaacs will bring to the role of Captain Lorca on the USS Discovery.


  1. Star Trek is an established franchise and the producers should know what works and what doesn’t

We don’t want a temporal cold war. We don’t want giant sets with millions of flashing lights and explosions everywhere. We don’t want JJ Abrams anywhere near the set. We don’t want the captain and the helmsman travelling at warp 10, devolving and then mating. We don’t want Star Wars.

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It’s not too much to ask is it? The production team behind Star Trek Discovery should know what works for fans. It isn’t all about the huge budget and explosions, although a little of both often help. We want something that is real, gritty but not over-the-top, something with passion and something that inspires us at the end to want more. We want something that makes us remember the episodes for personal reasons, and we want the heroes to overcome adversity in special ways. At least that’s what I want.

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My favourite Star Trek episode? ENT, Episode 2×21 – The Breach

I loved this episode because it was, to me, what Star Trek is all about. Dr Phlox meets a patient in desperate need of medical attention, who is a former enemy of his race. The patient will die if he doesn’t get treatment, but refuses to take it from his sworn enemy. Phlox would let him die at first, but his sense of right and wrong gets the better of him and he saves the patient. They then begin the healing process between their species. That’s it in a nutshell anyway, its actually a lot more poetic and meaningful than I can summarize in a few sentences.

  1. They know how much rests on Discovery

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I think Star Trek Discovery is an Alamo series; if it fails, and a lot of people already think it will, then the franchise is pretty much over. As much as it pains me to say that, and as much as I love the show, the concept and the idealism, we haven’t had anything universally liked for a very long time.

The latest films didn’t work and alienated core audiences, whilst completely failing to create new ones. I loved Enterprise but it was fundamentally flawed and wasn’t well received across the board.

I liked the TNG movies, especially First Contact, but they didn’t do particularly well financially. The Original Series meant so much to so many people, but that show finished in 1969 and even as a huge Star Trek fan (TNG onwards), I can’t bring myself to watch it, given the sheer volume of content I have available at the click of a button. Star Trek Discovery has a hell of a job on it’s hands.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments, or on our Facebook page.

5 thoughts on “5 Reasons Star Trek Discovery Could Be The Best Series Of All

  1. Thanks for the info. The franchise is safe and never ending. I may not have liked a part of Beyond, but Star Trek fans are very much more than a few opinions, “Star Trek,” “Into Darkness” and “Beyond” movies did well at the box office. Each series has its devoted fans and nit picky fans, and that’s ok. You see, the heart and soul of Star Trek, is it’s diversity, and the fact that we are a better people and Warp into the future. It’s “In The Heart.”
    We’re excited about changes and furthering our race in space. We may judge strongly but our Faith in humanity is stronger. We see Dignity, Honesty, Strength, and a Dignified Life for all. “To seek out new life and new civilizations. To Boldly go where no one has gone before,” and as Spock said, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” it’s personal, really personal. “Live long and Prosper.”

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I have to agree with R. Perez, it is very personal and we each take something different from star trek. Personally I loved the new films, especially into darkness. The alternative universe is a great idea that’s been played with in star trek since the beginning. For me the story arc of DS9 and the Dominion war made it the best of shows. “In the pale moonlight” has to be one of the best episodes of any show ever! It was dark, gritty and showed that a Starfleet Captain has to be bad sometimes!

    I’m worried that Discovery will be a flop but even if it is I don’t think it’s the end for star trek, maybe for a few years (that’s what happened with Enterprise isn’t it?) but eventually it’ll be back. Really hoping I’m wrong about discovery though, it’s been too long already.

    Thanks for an interesting article 🖖

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It will be a major success, because it has everything a the secret Star Wars fan inside a Trekkie finally want to see. Epic worlds. Space battles. A story, told over several episodes. Awesome costumes, spaceships and special effects. And a character development what do not deliver a protagonist at the end of an episode, where he was picked up before.


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